Should you play WTM?

Disclaimer: This is my own opinion and any disagreement that screws up from this comment will be ignored.
I've been playing this game a full 6 months now, and im editing this 4 month old comment. Firstly I'm changing the review from a 5.0 to a 3.5, game is totally unbalanced on different tanks, ranking system needs to be updated, and the progression system also could use some work.
What is war thunder out of context?
War thunder is a first/third person realistic Shooter involving tanks from WW2 to mid-modern times. The only objective in a gamemode so far is to destroy the enemy team and take the point(s).
Important Aspects to look out for in the game:
Gameplay is friendly and easy for beginners, fps and graphics is top tier and constant updates and bug fixes shows that they care about their community. Compared to PC, I see less premium tanks, sniping me from spawn.
Some annoying aspects to this game is the reptitive advertisement on their "premium" tanks whenever you load up the app, lack of player communication and variety of gamemodes ( although they are expected to be added later ), and controls for tanks are a bit bad when you want to turn a full 45 degrees.
Overall, I expect the game to be better overtime but these are the things that prevent me from playing this game as much as the PC version.
Naval Rant:
Moving forward from Ground Forces, I don't play naval often but it looks like it could need a blitz match or something to make it easier to play in shorter time periods, I mean, this is mobile, if I was to play one naval game for 40 minutes, my battery would already be 25% lower than what it was originally before I started the match, and realistically it's much harder to die, running out of ammo to attack the enemy with.
Final thoughts:
Game is enjoyable (to a certain extent), could use lots of work but has the potential to be a great game on the market. Recommended to those that enjoy War Thunder :)

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