A list of games where you can play as a dwarf and halfling

Sounds very specific, I know. But that's because they're some of my favorite races and I think they're kinda underrated
So let's start!
Obviously you can count most Lord Of The Rings games. They'd usually give you the option to play as a halfling (or dwarf) especially if they follow the movies/books and I'll talk about some of them here.
1) DnD Online/ Lord of the Rings online
(Halfling and Dwarf)
These cool DnD/ LotR MMO from the good ol' days let's you customize your own character, choose your own race, and you can play as a dwarf or halfling!
Pick your class and jump into the world of DDO. Fight enemies, do quests, team up with other players, level up, gain skills. Ya know how MMOs work.
2) The Dwarves
(You guessed it, dwarves)
Based on the book by the same name, the dwarves is a fun not too long game that came from a successful Kickstarter. It's real time combat where you control a full party with their own skills. Switch between your party members, utilize their skills, destroy the mobs of orcs, and emerge victorious! The game has great narration, voice acting, and a fun story that doesn't overstay it's welcome. It's defo worth playing if you're a fan of dwarves.
3) Neverwinter
(Dwarf and Halfling)
Another DnD MMO, one I been playing for years. This one is more advanced than DDO and allows for a little bit more character customization. Harness your skills as your chosen class, follow the main story to level up, get better gear, until you hit end level where the real fun begins. Farm astral diamonds to buy bigger and better gear using the auction house which gives the players some power over the economy of the game. It's a fun game that changes a lot through the years, not always for better, but it's still worth playing. It's free and you lose nothing by giving it a try.
4) Dungeons of Sundaria
(Dwarf and Halfling)
Now this is a diamond in the rough, an early access looter dungeon crawler. It still needs a lot of work but what it has right now is great. It's fast paced, fun, and has split screen. The devs are working hard on improving this game and it gets updated constantly. Defo recommend giving it a look and supporting the devs if it interests you.
5) Baldur's Gate series
(Halfling and Dwarf)
Baldur's gate the series needs no introductions. We all know it. It's an amazing series and it gifted us with the ability to play as Dwarves or Halflings and make our own adventures and choices. Most of you reading this probably already played Baldur's gate 3 lol.
6) Dragon Age
Another series that needs no introductions. One of the best made RPGs out there with a great story and one of the most iconic dwarves in history... Varric. Decide the fate of the world, become Inquisitor, play nice or be a tyrant, and romance some companions along the way.
7) Deep Rock Galactic
Dwarves dig and Dwarves mine and that's exactly what you'll be doing in this game. Choose one of 4 classes and go explore a deep cave to mine as you try to survive hordes of giant spiders and other monsters that see you as a snack! Fun with friends but also enjoyable solo. A game every Dwarf fan should try out.
8) Dragonheir
A surprisingly fun and well made mobile RPG that lets you be a dwarf. We love to see it! The story is nothing that you haven't experienced before but it's still interesting enough to keep you playing. Summon heroes to fight alongsides your created character, level them up, become more powerful as you progress through the story and discover your role in it.
Honorable mention:
If you're looking for a game that's similar to Deep Rock Galactic and you're a fan of Lord of the Rings then you're in luck!
Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is a co-op survival game where you and your fellow dwarves mine, craft, and explore caves! It's not out yet but it will be very soon!
All this mining and surviving is hard work. Maybe you want something more chill? Lord of the Rings got your back again. Tales of the Shire is a cozy game where you play as a halfling/hobbit and enjoy the chill life in the Shire. Not much is known about this game yet but it's certianly something to look forward to!
And that's all I got for now, of course there are other games out there I haven't mentioned here. Feel free to recommend your own! Thank you for reading!!
(Cover art by me)
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