👍 Pros:
🎮 Gameplay: Fast High Octane gameplay in Multiplayer mode. Whoever fires first wins. Best Multiplayer Game on Mobile.
🕹️ Controls: Controls are just standard like another game but it's full FPP. Only game that doesn't make you dizzy.
🎨 Graphics: Graphics are Next level if you play at Very High or Above. If you have a good phone it doesn't affect performance. Try it out trust me.
👥 Multiplayer: As I've said best Multiplayer in a mobile game.
🗺️ Map Design: It has the classic Call of Duty maps who doesn't want that. Maps seem like they are 1 to 1 replicas.
🧠 Strategy & Tactics: There is a bit of strategy involved. Not that much but there is if you're at GrandMaster or Above.
🏆 Achievements & Rewards: Best part of the game is the rewarding grindable camps you get and the monthly skins from events. Truly a nice way to keep players engaged and also the weekly tournament.
👎 Cons:
🛍️ In-game Purchases: The only problem are the P2W skins in the game like the iron sights on certain guns work better than red dot sights. They are only obtained through crates or lucky draws which are pretty much unfair and gacha like.
💖 Overall Experience: The game is a perfect except some minor kinks which get fixed after some updates. Though I still prefer the old version.
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