This game has one if the most boring gameplay I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Missions are a clustered mess with some of the dialogue being illegible, the plot itself is rather flat in that there is no consequence of action when all adventurers in world can just be brought back by the god of adventure. I understand it's probably to explain how and why player can just recover after dying but making it part of the plot just makes all confrontation shallow at the absolute best.
Other than the story, for gameplay, it's not really "good" but it's not bad. The game is rather tedious in that you are expected to level up jobs and skills endlessly towards no end game? I'm not entirely sure. From the start or even regarding the community, there is no target to drive the player to level up to. Maps in the game are rather static besides the occasional encounter with a monster, combat is arguably the worst part of the game with skills being RNG to execute. It has a robust housing feature however
The UI is also rather painful to navigate at times with a lot of stuff forcing the player to go through tutorial hell.
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