best f2p friendly so far ( MS Gundam Uc engage )

👍 Pros: console level graphic running really smoothly on all the situations, big farming and grindy, diamond farming Is super Ez by Just playing the campaign. Free UR pilot and MS at the start
🎮 Gameplay: as reported before the graphic Is super cool with sweet animations control are pretty Ez since the mobile suits move by themselves. There Will also be a killcam showing you the enemy Ms blowing up.
🤼 Combat Mechanics: a nostalgia feeling looking at the Ms fighting each other with explosions and swords hit.
🎧 Audio Design: you could probably think that being a day1 review the audio could be bugged well its actually the opposite, original voice acting  and Battle audio are Crazy and the best think Is that pilots communicate with each other while confirming a kill.
🛍️ In-game Purchases:  as i said the game is completely f2p friendly with a really nice summon rate (UR char rate around the 5%) so not impossible to get them the thing you get with Money are Just upgrade materials and gems, gotta consider that with 10 matches of the campaign you get 900 gems without excluding the 30/50 you get at the completing achievement.
🎖️ Progression System:  the progression Is really slow and your mobile suits rise with the player level so Better using skip tickets
👎 Cons:  slow progression, mobile suits follow the player level, Need more events poor loot during the missions
Hope you all are enjoying the game and let me know what you think about It
My day One was super sweet and Hope the game Will keep this feeling
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the disappointing part is it's strategy based
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yeah exaclty that adv element stuff and the positioning make It a Little pain
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