MOBA, Battle Royale, and Sports are just game modes in this game | First Impressions - Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars offers a unique blend of strategy and action. Players control Brawlers, characters with unique quirky abilities, and can team-up with others in various game modes, each one having a different objective. From battle royale style of gameplay to sports-like team-based matches, Players can invite friends to play with them up to the maximum team size of the game mode.
The first mode I unlocked was the Battle Royale mode called Showdown. Solo play first, then the Duo version is unlocked next alongside Brawl Ball which is the sports-like mode and is the most played mode recently last month.
I soon unlocked Gem Grab, and it’s about holding more gems for your team until the time runs out. The game modes are varied enough and the maps and events rotate every few hours so there is a lot variety even for regular players.
In Showdown, there are ten players around a relatively sized large maps with energy boosts and bushes to hide into, and the map gets smaller and smaller as time passes, thanks to a toxic gas cloud. For duo modes, it’s five teams.
Getting energy boosts increase your brawlers power, and incentivizes players who tries to find these boosts across the map and alongside the toxic cloud, it serves as a catalyst for players to move around and reveal themselves. The game mode is quick, decisive, and fun. Although I found it easy to snowball matches with the other team having no way to upset you, if you grow too powerful. 
Honestly, just try it out, with its plethora of game modes available, there’s bound to be game mode that you’ll probably like. Although you'll have to play a lot of the Showdown or Brawl Ball first to unlock other modes.
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Soheil Berdipour
Soheil Berdipour
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