Plenty of game modes, plenty of fun | Review - Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars, developed and published by Supercell, has been lighting up mobile gaming since its release on December 12, 2018, and has no plans on stopping. This multiplayer online battle arena and third-person hero shooter brings together a diverse cast of characters called Brawlers and unique fun gameplay modes.
+Diverse characters with unique abilities +Smooth and fluid performance +Multiple gameplay modes which are all fun and great for solo or with friends alike +Quick matches, only around a minute or so +No energy system to limit play
-Pay-to-Win elements are present -Balancing issues with brawlers
⭐️Score: 8/10
✊Introducing the Brawlers
An eclectic cast of characters, each with their own distinct abilities and playstyles. These characters are unlocked through via credits and chroma credits on progression systems like Starr Road, via Battle Passes, or by spending money. You can further personalize your Brawlers by acquiring skins through Gems, Star Points, Coins, or the Brawl Pass, adding a unique flair to your in-game experience.
Brawl Stars features a unique and visually appealing art style that combines vibrant, cartoony graphics with detailed character designs and fluid animations.  The game's graphics are characterized by bright and vivid colors. The environments, characters, and special effects are all designed in a colorful and cartoony manner. Each Brawler has its distinct appearance, animations, and personality, as well as a host of cosmetics to be unlocked by the player. 🎮Gameplay Mechanics
Brawl Stars offers a unique blend of strategy and action. Players control their Brawlers using on-screen joysticks and can perform normal attacks, super moves that charge as you engage opponents, gadgets with special abilities, and hypercharges that temporarily boost your Brawler's capabilities. Brawlers can only have three attack charges at a time and using them will need a cooldown to be able to attack again. This prevents spam attacks and rewards players with good precision and timing. Furthermore, each Brawler can be upgraded with Gold and Power Points affecting their attacks, health, movement speed, and recharge time, making it technically a pay-to-win as you can spend money to upgrade the performance of these characters. Additionally, Brawlers may possess unique traits that influence their interactions with the game's environment and other characters. 📜Variety of Game Modes
One of Brawl Stars' strengths is its wide array of game modes, catering to various playstyles. From the battle royale-style Showdown to team-based sports-like matches in Brawl Ball, players have plenty of choices. As you progress, more modes unlock, such as Gem Grab, where the objective is to hold gems until the timer runs out. The game modes are varied enough and the maps and events rotate every few hours so there is a lot variety even for regular players. Honestly, for the majority of mobile gamers, there’s bound to be game mode that they’ll probably like. Showdown, the first game mode in Brawl Stars and it’s Battle Royale mode, pits ten players against each other on progressively shrinking maps by way of a toxic gas cloud. Power boosts and bushes for hiding add layers of strategy to the game. The toxic gas cloud keeps the action intense as players must continually reposition.
Getting power boosts increases your brawlers power, and incentivizes players who tries to find these boosts across the map and alongside the toxic cloud, it serves as a catalyst for players to move around and reveal themselves. The game mode is quick, decisive, and fun. Although I found it easy to snowball matches with the other team having no way to upset you, if you grow too powerful.  Overall, the ighting feels satisfying and the matches are very brief, lasting around anywhere between a minute to five minutes For competitive players, the Power League unlocks at 4500 trophies, providing a structured ladder system with ranks and seasons that last two months. The competitive scene offers a chance to earn Star Points based on your rank. There are more game modes and events that you can participate in, and these are just some examples. 💵In-Game Purchases
Brawl Stars does feature in-game purchases, which can provide advantages in certain situations. Players can also spend money to gain  Gems, Star Points, Coins, or progress the Premium Battle Pass called Brawl Pass.  At first, it was confusing with all the currencies in place, thankfully one single tooltip feature is all it needed to explain everything. Honestly, it’s a bit pay-to-win with regards to acquiring better Brawlers or upgrading their power, but ultimately, remains a skill-based game.  I also love that there is no energy system so you can play all day without restrictions.
Although the graphical settings were a bit lacking and basic, the game ran absolutely smooth and I think it was locked to 60fps at all times on my Snapdragon 888 device. I had no slowdowns whatsoever nor any crashes. The menu navigation is also snappy and the clear user interface with the big fonts and buttons really helps a lot. The developers really nailed it in the technical department. ⚖️Conclusion
Brawl Stars is a very engaging and fast-paced mobile game that offers a diverse set of gameplay modes, characters, and events. Despite some pay-to-win elements, its core remains skill-based, and the overall game itself is fun, and perfect for both casual and competitive gamers.
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