This spellcasting rogue-lite hit is now on mobile | Impressions - Wizard of Legend Mobile

Recently, I had the opportunity to try Wizard of Legend Mobile, the mobile port of the popular Wizard of Legend originally released on PC in 2018 and on other consoles.  Well, it's basically the same game just on your mobile phone.
Wizard of Legend Mobile is all about action-packed spell casting combat and roguelike dungeon crawling. The game thrusts you into the role of an up and coming wizard who must overcome the yearly Chaos Trials, a series of magical challenges that test your spellcasting skills and combat prowess. From the get-go, the action is relentless, and the game is very difficult to both play and progress into.
In my initial hours with the game, it has already proven itself to be immensely challenging. The roguelike elements keep you on your toes, persistent progression is notoriously slow, and the procedurally generated dungeons ensure that no two runs are the same.  As you explore dungeons, you'll unlock new spells and relics to use, to be able to fare better next time, not to mention you'll need to hone your actual player skills.
The combat is fast-paced, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking. Combining spells is the key to success, and the game encourages experimentation to create devastating spell combinations. You'll find yourself casting, dodging, and chaining spells together to obliterate enemies in a dazzling display of magic. While the progression is indeed slow, the game does a great job of hooking you in with its initial flash of gameplay and combat to keep playing, which is done very well. As primarily a magic user in most of the RPG games that I play, this basically focuses that element into one roguelike game, and it works out very well. Easy to learn, fun to play, hard to master.
This mobile release is just timely as Wizard of Legend 2 has already been announced and is coming soon.
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Jameson Wright
Jameson Wright
I'm kinda interested but 8$ price tag yeesh
Chris Schelstra
Chris Schelstra
how do I play thought it came out on the 27th
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