League of Legends’ Nunu and his yeti friend Willump get the spotlight in this adorable adventure

Play it. Song of Nunu offers an enchanting, narrative-driven experience into the universe of League of Legends. In this spin-off, League champions Nunu and Willump must traverse the frozen land of Freljord on a journey to uncover mysteries and search for lost family. While traversing through icy mountains, solving puzzles, and fighting monsters might feel a little easy, Song of Nunu still delivers a charming experience that will warm even the coldest of hearts.
I played Song of Nunu for four hours. I’ve met four characters and reached a major location in the main quest.
• Going on an epic adventure. Song of Nunu tells a touching tale about a young boy named Nunu who lost his mother and a magical yeti called Willump who’s the last of his race. The strange pair have already become unlikely friends, and they set out together in search of an artifact that could lead Nunu to his family. The story juggles a lot of deep emotions and a few serious topics like death and isolation, but it’s all presented in a heartwarming way.
• Exploring the Freljord. Developer Tequila Works has done a great job in bringing this icy region of Runeterra to life. As someone who’s only read about this place in League of Legends lore, it was enchanting to finally explore it. I also couldn’t help but smile seeing classic League animals like Poros and Krugs in their natural habitat.
•  Meeting new friends. Not only did I get to explore Freljord, but I met a few people along the way. Without getting into any spoilers, Song of Nunu features a number of familiar League of Legends faces outside of just Nunu and Willump, and the game does a great job of capturing the essence of this memorable cast. From the actual models to their personalities and voice lines, every character felt true to what I already knew of them.
• Snowball fights and other side activities. After traveling for a while, I was introduced to Nunu’s and Willump’s favorite pastime: tossing snowballs at each other. Alongside other distractions like sleighing down mountains, these snowball fights were a fun and wholesome change of pace that really drove home the connection between Nunu and his big beast of a best friend.
• Using music to solve puzzles. Many of Song of Nunu’s puzzles required playing music on Nunu’s trusty flute to solve them. The right sequence of notes could open doors, inspire animals to move, or even create structures out of ice. The game expertly used music and sound both to build up a lighthearted atmosphere and as a tool for puzzle-solving. Plus I got Willump to dance to my tunes every now and then.
• Hugging and high-fiving Willump. Best thing in the game? Interacting with my fuzzy friend, Willump! I got to hug Willump every now and then after solving a puzzle, and we’d even high-five sometimes too. These interactions felt really touching.
• It’s not that challenging. I was a little disappointed at how easy Song of Nunu is. Out of the four hours I played, I never had a moment where I felt stumped on a puzzle or outmatched in combat—nothing even close. I respect that this game is more about the adventure, but I still would have appreciated a little more challenge.
• Animation. Sometimes when Willump or Nunu would speak, the animation wouldn’t match their lips, which looked awkward. While it’s not incredibly noticeable throughout the game, it happened often enough to get in the way of my immersion.
💬 Will you play Song of Nunu or are you going to skip it? Let me know down in the comments!
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