game wise it is fun and difficult which makes it slightly different from the top down games that I have played what makes it more different is it's combat system, I love the spells each and everyone of them are unique which makes it fun what makes it difficult though is the enemies even the normal units are hard enough to deal with especially the archers, the archers are unusually tanky, the mini bosses are easier than the units themselves, but the bosses though they are hard I'll let you guys experience it themselves, control wise though there is problems with the aim assist, some of you may say aim assist is for bad players bcs they need aim assist... no this game needs it especially bcs it's a mobile port you don't have a mouse to aim stuff, the reason why the aim assist has problems it's bcs, sometimes the aim assist confuses itself with the joy stick input sometimes aiming toward where your moving or where the character looks at and does not hit the enemies, another problem is it's lan multiplayer when you die you turn into a ghost and. in order to revive is through getting these green orbs gained from your friend killing some enemies the main problem is it's sometimes glitches out when reviving, I hope the devs fix these bugs either way the game is fun I highly recommend it to gamers who love the rougelike genre
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