The Complex: Expedition is (another) backroom game, but this time, it's good, they nailed the atmosphere and the tension, you always feel observed, maybe because you are...
👍 Pros:
-The graphics are amazing, if you took a screenshot and told me it was real, I would believe you.
-The atmosphere make you think there is going to be a jumpscare at every corner when there is no jumpscare at all.
-There are a few different levels like it's precursor, The Complex: Found Footage.
👎 Cons:
Maybe there are a few different levels, it's still not as good as The Complex: Found Footage wich had multiple things that could scare you like seeing an entity in the corner of your eye or even seeing something at the end of a corridor where you have to go, it's have less level than The Complex: Found Footage too but maybe we will see more in the future with their up and comming multiplayer mode !
📖 Storyline:
You play as Joseph Miller, you are documenting an expedition in the backroom to a place that no scientist has explored yet until everything goes wrong, you no-clip deeper in the backroom and your only goal is to find an exit.
🎮 Gameplay:
The gameplay is simple, you just have to walk, use space to turn your flashlight on when you are in a dark place and use F to open doors and to use light switches.
Is it worth it's price ? Not for now, should you buy it ? Once it's more complete and once the game is cheaper.
Mentioned games
I think I might wait until it's more complete before purchasing. While I love the idea of feeling observed, I don't want to get bored just walking around. Thanks for this comprehensive review, mate!
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The Infamous
The Infamous
You are welcome mate, it's my job to play bad or empty/unfinished games so you don't have to !
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