Zombies, base building, character swapping, and open world? | First Impressions - Lost Future

Lost Future is a post apocalyptic open world game that features melee combat, shooting, zombie stealth takedowns, and even good 'ol looting for supplies. The vibe of the game feels very similar to one of my favorite zombie games, State of Decay. Lost Future also features base management elements, where you can build new facilities within your safehouse and upgrade them for more benefit. As far as mobile games go, it may remind you of games like LifeAfter and Last Day on Earth: Survival.
It isn’t the most beautiful looking game, but there is merit in saying the game has console level visuals. The models, textures and animations are detailed enough. Honestly, the lines are blurred nowadays, with mobile phones getting more powerful everyday. The game reeks of high production values, the voice acting is superb and sounds AAA-like.
Lost Future also implements seamless character swapping, a feature originally popularized by Genshin Impact. It can be somewhat immersion-breaking, as characters abruptly switch places like schizophrenics with multiple personality disorders, but that's how the game is, and it's still still better than having a lone character roaming around. . Nevertheless, I wish had all three characters be on the world simultaneously together like in other games. It’s definitely doable and would feel much more immersive.
The zombies in this game are formidable and challenging to take down, particularly when encountered in groups. This isn't an action-packed horde shooter like Left 4 Dead. Instead, you must avoid zombies as much as possible to conserve your ammo and ensure maximum survivability. Throughout the game, you'll explore the open world, loot resources from key buildings and houses, all while working to build your safehouse and progressing through the main quest.
However, the game is not without its flaws. The combat system, while offering solid melee combat, struggles with clunky and buggy gunplay. The absence of graphics settings customization and performance issues can hamper the gaming experience.
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This game is very good, it has nothing more than the basic commands, but it is very similar to the PC's state of decay
TapTap Creator
it is indeed very similar to State of Decay which is one of my favorite zombie games on console/PC. i hope they update it and polish it a bit more
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the game is a blast but need more optimization they also need to add a trader to the game as well
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