Welll well well this is right after the how to play arena breakout post so let's get started
So today I'll be reviewing.... TATATATADADADAAAAAA genshin impact! The game most people hate! Let's see if u would like this game!
👍 Pros: the game is good, it has top class controls, the animations are cool, u can switch between characters too and they all have different skills that's cool!
👎 Cons: the optimization is TRASH in an 6 gb samsung I lagged on the LOWEST graphics in the game, there arent many skills u can use in one character
🎮 Gameplay: it's very nice gameplay, very smooth, the features are very cool
📖 Storyline: the storyline is good but I feel like for Mondstadt is super long and it becomes boring, and one quest in the icy mountains is HELL, I had HELL for 2-3 hours straight LITERALLY HELLLL, it may be named "icy mountain" or smth but it burns like hell it's that painful mate
🕹️ Controls: it's good, the controls animation is cool but there aren't many different skills for one single character
🎨 Graphics: top class, the best graphics for mobile games, it's at the peak of going above mobile level graphics, it's amazing if ofc u can handle it bc my phone runs fine even on my 13gb mobile
🎵 Sound: amazing, the sound is very immersive I love it
👥 Multiplayer: the multiplayer is mediocre since we can't do alot in multiplayer, instead of having one map with many players, u have one map all to urself, even tho it sounds good it's annoying since u have to teleport to someone else's island and u can't do missions or quests or collect chests there
And that's all, if u had an wonderful time, please support by recommending this to your friends!!
Mentioned games
Love your insights! I have the same issues with multiplayer. It'd be way more fun if we could interact with others more freely. Also, totally get you on the optimization part, they need to sort that out.
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