The Insane Journey: Sanity Chase

Hello my fellow asymmetrical gamers, welcome to the trapped delirium that is Sanity Chase! Sanity Chase is a new 2v5 Hunters vs Runaways title set to be released for Mobile devices in the near future. This fame offers to provide a completely different perspective of the asymmetrical genre as a whole, featuring a very close mix between top-down gameplay and 3D models in the middle.
Players may be wondering why you should choose this game instead of others, which is why I am here to provide that answer. Having just recently seen it's fair share of beta-testing Sanity Chase offers a lot in the way of future improvement rather than already having way too many assets to deal with in the beginning of the game's lifespan. With a dedicated team, it is hopeful that Sanity Chase is shaping up to be very influenced by its own community rather than taking the mainstream approach.
First and foremost, Sanity Chase features a Ranked System. Newer players once the game release will more than likely start from Bronze and have to make their way to Champion with it being no easy feat. The game currently has a minimum of around 120 wins to get to Champion rank, where similarly to Identity V, players try to win matches in an attempt to earn stars for their pursuit of first place on the leaderboards.
The game does have one drawback which was prominent during the beta however, Bots. As a supplementary countermeasure to the game's current popularity Sanity Chase has automatically generated CPU's that play a certain way. It is currently unknown whether this feature will be a mainstay, but it is more of a positive with showing that the development team for Sanity Chase is truly dedicated to putting out a good product for it's users in-general.
One of the main features in Sanity Chase are Whistling Kettles. Whistling Kettles are used by runaways to gain distance or stun any of the 2 hunters present in any match. A lot of the game's chase mechanics revolve around this feature and how both sides can utilize it to their advantage. An unused kettle on one side can be walked through or basic attacked at any point to set it off. Whereas an activated whistling kettle is much bigger, offering drawbacks which make Runaways required to jump over it or repair the kettle in order for it to be used a second time.
This offers a very mixed balance between the game's current state of a runaway mindset. Offering backup options when being chased on whether it is better to use windows to get away, or if using a whistling kettle is a better choice in the heat of the moment. Sanity Chase has no shortage of intense moments, and the whistling kettles are an integral part of that journey.
Sanity Chase also contains another controversial topic among asymmetrical fanatics, Ping. It comes with no surprise at the title being multiplayer that players from certain countries may have bad latency as opposed to others. However, the development team has been making many changes as needed over time and it is currently a very interesting topic on where the team stands with this future issue for regional players. Good news is also on the horizon however, with the statement that Sanity Chase is a lot more lenient when it comes to possible rubberbanding.
Latency will surely be the most brought up topic as with any other game, but I definitely feel like it is still worth mentioning so that players won't be blindsided. This game offers a lot of features and has been optimized so that the correct things are sacrificed in order to make this game a reality. I hope it is understandable that this is a foreseeable outcome for most asymmetrical Mobile games.
Sanity Chase is quite similar to it's predecessors in the sense that it has a Lobby, Party Menu, Events, Leaderboards, and Login Rewards. This game is also reliant on it's community for certain things like event participation for example. Many Quality of Life features have been put into the game along with more on the way. Sanity Chase is definitely in the part of game life where popularity matters very deeply, and a certain player count will be required for such a great looking game to thrive in the current market.
While there are going to be many people going to be calling this game a "ripoff" or "unoriginal", I implore every reader to give Sanity Chase a chance and see if you will personally enjoy it. Games like this are supported by its players and will certainly be rewarding in return for those who venture out to find out.
Lastly, it is always important that you have fun. At the core of this game, you are going to be on a team with 4 other people. This is going to include many rage-filled or very insane moments as you start your journey to the top. Asymmetrical games can be for the competitive-driven players or full-on casuals with no in-between at times. Sanity Chase will have many of its own good or bad moments in the future and that is a journey that I personally want to be a part of.
With all of this said, I am hopeful that many players in the millions will possibly be joining me in the near future. I hope you all enjoy this lengthy read and look to be a part of the Sanity Chase Community.
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and heartopia?
Interesting concept! I'm curious to see how the Whistling Kettles mechanic plays out.
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