A lazy battle Royale that doesn't have much going on for it. I put in a few hours so you wouldn't have to.
👍 Pros: can kill about 15 minutes of time. Not pay to win. Uninstall button works.
👎 Cons:  Graphics are bad, combat animations stick and glitch, it's open world so players can run around the town on a bare bones map before matches and talk to npcs. While you are talking to them someone can walk up and kill you, you drop equipped gear AND inventory. Weapons aren't balanced. There isn't a story, there's barely dialogue.  It freezes randomly. Settings are at  best non existent. The community is a bunch of toxic kids or bots. You don't run into anything else.  I almost forgot you can't change your name you are given a random series of numbers instead. What you do at level 5 is what you do at level 40.
End of the day don't even try it until it gets updates.
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zack black
zack black
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