Back to NYC! my thoughts

Ok I decided to take down my long positive review of the game and give it to you straight.
Pros: It's dv1 but bite sized, same music same buildings, different missions that you can do solo or match make, the open world is now littered with other friendly agents so you can finally help others in your travels, very solid controls easy aiming and firing, upgrade system is very in depth and is probably the most min/max y that the series has ever been. ATTACHMENTS ARE BACK IN THE LOOT POOL 😁😁😁
But here are what I know will happen to this honeymoon period .. and will die fast while people with money are the only ones left
Cons: it's a whales game... And it will be worse at launch..
Crafting takes time but can pay to speed up
Definitely pay to win which will leave you out of the dark zone experience because of this (see diablo immortal as an example)
Everyone is having a great time with it right now. But here's why I think that... with all the systems that seem so fluid and familiar now is because as a mobile game we are used to seeing a store.
I took my time and dug into the payment pile. You can quite literally get exotics from both main entries by paying, this includes the op Scorpio.. I spent a dollar on crafting materials because I was at the part where the grind was going to now try to push you to take out your wallet.
I hope the main release address's these pay walls and make it easier for more people who have never played the division have a good time because it is very well put together
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nostalgia is always a good vibe
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