The Best Healers for FURINA Teams: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome back, everyone! In this article, we're diving deeper into team compositions for Farina, the hydro unit making waves in Genshin Impact. If you caught my main guide, you know I promised a closer look at Farina's team considerations, especially regarding healers. Farina's unique HP-draining mechanic brings new challenges and opportunities, making team synergy crucial. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, this guide aims to provide insights into maximizing Farina's potential.
Optimizing Healers for Farina Teams: A Comprehensive Guide to Freeze and Taser Compositions
1. Team Foundations: Why Healers Matter
Understanding Farina's themes begins with the healer. Efficient synergy with your team's reactions and damage healers is key to building an effective and comfortable Farina team. Healing is essential due to Farina's pets continually draining your team's HP. Their damage intensifies when teammates are above 50% HP. Moreover, Farina's fanfare stacks, contributing to team-wide damage bonuses, depend on your party's HP changes. Faster HP changes mean quicker fanfare stack generation, amplifying Farina's damage.
2. Freeze Teams: Satisfying and Comfortable
Freeze teams are the first archetype we'll explore. The advantage of freezing enemies lies in reducing their opportunities to attack, providing a sense of safety and control over HP management. The general template includes Farina and another cryo unit as the frozen core, with two flex slots for cryo, hydro, or animal units in damage-dealing or support roles.
3. Taser Teams: Raw Damage and Transformative Reactions
Moving on to Taser teams, also known as electric charge teams, the focus is on hydro and electro units dealing raw damage while triggering electrocharged reactions. Although Farina doesn't directly buff electrocharged damage, her presence enhances overall team performance. The core comprises Farina and another electro unit, with a VV animal unit to swirl both elements, buffing their damage.
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Cool guide! Definitely helps me build a stronger Farina team.
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