As Weird As It Gets

Gameplay: 1.5
Monetization: 2
Replayability: 1
Atmosphere: 2.5
Score: 7
Personal Play Time: 2
TLDR: Tingus Goose - Weird Idle Game offers a bizarre experience following a goose population invading pregnant humans. While the wacky visuals and story create charm initially, the idle gameplay lacks depth. Fair monetization prevents paywalls, but excessive waiting dulls its appeal, making it lose its charm quickly after the initial intrigue.
Did I enjoy it? Yes, I was super interested in seeing what odd thing would happen next both in terms of ""story"" development but also in terms of mechanics that it threw at me.
Would I come back to it? I think it is hard to say that I would or would not come back to it because of the genre of the game. I can see myself maxing out what I can leaving and coming back later.
Full Review: If the normal human experience is too mondane for you Tingus Goose - Weird Idle Game may be the game that you are looking for. This is because you follow the jouney of a goose population that is slowly burrowing their way into the stoamchs of pregnant humans and spawning a goose stalk that shoots out several babies which give you money on their way down. Yup, go reread that sentence. It is an idle game so the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired but the wacky visuals and story do create a ceratin charm to it.
Monitization is done fairly well with me never feeling like I had to pay up to progress. Just a lot of waiting. This waiting is one of the biggest factors to it losing it charm and making me not want to return.
You'll have a smile and questioning look in your first 30 minutes or so. After that I cannot promise you much.
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