Immortal Survivors - DESTROYING MONSTERS Has Never Been So Much FUN!

🎮 Game: Immortal Survivors 🍭 Platform: Android | ✨ Genre: Survival | RPG | Action | Roguelike |
🪄Immortal Survivors is another roguelike game in the same family as games like Return to  Abyss and Vampire Survivors. The combat is fast and intense, but the cool thing I liked about this game over the others is you have an extra layer of defense with your QI going down when attacked before your health will. It's like a shield on your character to help you along. The leveling is fast and the upgrades and skills are awesome. The other thing that is different with this game is that you also have to aim at your targets, because some skills require aiming of its skills.
🪄Gorgeous Eastern art style
🪄Fast paced combat
🪄Strong skills to destroy your enemies
🪄Enhance your skills
🪄Gacha for gear
🪄Level, reforge and upgrade your characters and gear
🪄Unlock 2 other characters
💖Overall I'd say that Immortal Survivors is a super fun roguelike experience on mobile devices. When writing this there was no iOS version of the game sadly, only Android users can enjoy this game for the time being. I don't know if there will be an iOS version though, but I hope there will be in the future. I loved the eastern themes of the game and the combat got pretty insane at times. I did find that with the Qi acting like a second health bar, it did make the game feel a bit easy, but that will only feel like that in the early stages of the game. As you progress further, you will find it harder to maintain the Qi of your characters and your HP will get brought down if you're not careful. I definitely enjoyed my experience in Immortal Survivors though, I think it deserves an 8/10 overall score for how much fun it is. I'm sure you will enjoy it too.
Mentioned games
the Game is god but soooo slow, take lvl
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