Game: Devil Slayer - Raksasi
Platform: PC Genre: Souls-Like, Action-Roguelike, Difficult Released: April 22th 2021 Price: $11
🔗Join the Playfest >> 📅 Schedule Dates: December 23, 12 AM PT - January 7, 11:59 PM PT. Playfest Winners & Player Rewards Announcement: January 8, 12 AM PT.
TapTaps' new service, enables users to transmit DEMOs directly to their mobile devices from a virtual computer rather than directly installing them and taking up space, is very intuitive but the functionality that is currently being implemented here just doesn't seem to function well because it's a PC game being streamed to Mobile.
When I say "Unoptimized" for the game service, I mean that while it is possible to play to some extent, you will not make significant progress due to the following issues.
Due to the fact that this game is being streamed to your device and is significantly more hectic than most games, any form of input lag will kill you. Furthermore, the buttons on my tablet were extremely far apart, which made it difficult to react.
The most significant drawback was that although there were numerous input buttons, fifty percent of them served no purpose as they were bound to nothing, meaning you couldn't use back up resources or open your inventory. Furthermore, the character was perpetually locked in a position where they could not look in any direction unless they initiated combat by attacking, which would release them.
In addition to the fact that it was nearly unplayable unless one managed to avoid the latency in a fortunate moment and not get perm stunned since it's hard to dash.
It could be played to a certain extent, it was by no means satisfactory. As the service is still in its infancy, there are undoubtedly numerous issues that require buffering. There were no discernible disruptions in the connection with the cloud service; intermittent audio gaps were to be expected, but they did not pose a security risk.
WHAT IS THE CLOUD GAMING EXPERIENCE? TapTap will initiate this event following its launch on December 23, 2023 ending on January 7th 2024. Indie Developers have the opportunity to exhibit their work to the TapTap community where users are able to vote for the titles they enjoyed the most.
Those who are acquainted with the June-introduction of the Pocket Playfest should not find this particularly unexpected as it was a very well received event!
The unique aspect of this event is that these games have not been made available for mobile; therefore, you will have the exclusive opportunity to play them here first!
How it works This format is a double tournament in which participants have the opportunity to play (2) games and vote on their preferred game daily for an entire week. The game that receives the most votes will advance to the championship round.
Rewards You really do not want to pass up this opportunity due to the cumulative value of the prizes which include 5 grand totals of $1,000 each, in addition to a Steam Deck and 3 Elite Xbox controllers, are things that will be awarded. Absolutely insane!
Competing Games While the complete list of games to be exhibited is unknown, specific games such as the one presented here will be among the limited number. Global Event Despite the fact that this is a global event, this service will only be accessible in the United States and Canada to guarantee that participants have an exceptionally seamless experience devoid of 400-500 latency.
Overview Devil Slayer - Raksasi is a one-of-a-kind game top down action roguelike that reminds me of the old java scripted browser games you would find all across the internet back in the early 2000s. On the surface level, you see highly alluring females but you shouldn't dismiss it as exclusively a fanservice game with nothing else worth mentioning because once you get into it the fundamental principles and gameplay are incredibly tough, and it takes a long time to earn a lot of the material that grants you access to more deep and interesting builds.
Graphics & Presentation I was initially put off by the fact that the only characters you can play as are Heroines and that there are no males characters to choose from, which is a little disappointing because I would have loved to see some designs for male samurai or shinobi variants, simply because not everyone wants to keep seeing characters die and have their clothes practically ripped to pieces with cleavage and panties showing.
The many monsters, weapons, and attacking stances/styles are all distinct and have their own special animations, while maintaining a consistent visual style throughout. When you consider that the game costs only 11 dollars, you can really appreciate the care and effort that went into it as well with the amazing amount of depth.
Gameplay / Combat / Issues If you've played top-down perspective games before. You don't need to know much other than that you're looking down on the character and navigating about with twin stick controls. You have components comparable to Souls-like games, such as mana, powers, stamina, and the ability to parry or block, while also needing to figure out the vulnerabilities and effects of every new creature you encounter, which is challenging because there are 200 of them and none of them are the same.
Once you get used to it, combat is fluid, with you planning your next strike while gathering powerful relics and weapons to better fit to your individual interests in terms of gameplay. Do you dislike your starting weapon? Gather some Dark currency and look for upcoming blacksmiths in the next locations to find something faster, stronger, or more defensive. There is no shortage of decision making.
As someone who has played a fair share of action RPGs and such, I do get tired of games increasing the difficulty through raw modifiers so early on, making elite monsters deal insane amounts of damage while teleporting and being much like a raid boss that you can't help but feel is pointless to even try to take them on.
Conclusion Enjoy a good challenge? Prefer games that aren't afraid to outright kill you, but also give you a sense of accomplishment when you finally do overcome obstacles? Then I believe that this game can keep you engaged for a few weeks if you give it a chance.
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