Don't like Starfield? Sorry, but Bethesda says you're totally wrong

All things considered, I had a great time with Starfield, but it’s easy to see why some people didn’t vibe with the game. It’s filled with empty planets, there are tons of bugs, and it’s way too hard to keep track of side quests. It can still be pretty fun, but it’s clearly not a game that will click with everyone.
Or at least, that’s what I used to think. Since then, I’ve realized that Starfield is a massive, multilayered experience that offers much more to do than just the main mission. There are many side missions where I can learn about the people and story of Starfield. I can even visit the official Starfield Discord for tips on how to make the game fun.
If you haven’t heard, Bethesda is currently on a crusade to shut down all criticism of Starfield. They’ve been leaving detailed responses to every negative review on Steam, making sure that players with mixed feelings about the game know that those feelings are totally, utterly wrong.
Are you sick of dealing with Starfield’s long loading screens? Sorry, but those loading screens are easy to overlook when you consider all of Starfield’s incredible technological accomplishments.
What? You think Starfield’s empty planets are boring? Sorry, but we talked to every living astronaut, and they all agreed that you don’t understand what boredom is. Maybe you’re just feeling a little overwhelmed!
Maybe you think Starfield’s mostly fine, but the UI seems a little clunky. Hate to break it to you bub, but that’s wrong too. It might look clunky to your untrained eyes, but it’s actually a perfect example of the “NASA Punk” aesthetic.
It would be one thing if Bethesda was just trying to help players dealing with game-breaking bugs, or if they were making sure to update people on major game patches, but instead they’re dropping paragraphs on any review that skews vaguely negative, no matter what it actually says. They even wrote a novel for a guy who simply called the game “Midfield.”
What’s Bethesda’s endgame here? Do they think that players will be so ashamed of their words and deeds that they’ll give Starfield another chance? Are they trying to drum up some publicity before they put out the Shattered Space DLC? Is there a rogue intern desperate for people to understand that, like an onion, Starfield has layers?
The worst part is that I don’t totally disagree with the fanatical review-responders at Bethesda Customer Support. I do think that Starfield is better than a lot of people give it credit for! For every empty, lifeless planet, there’s an amazing location like Neon or New Homestead. There are crazy side quests that put the main story to shame. You can find incredible secrets in every sector or space.
But lecturing people about Starfield’s “expansive gameplay” and “hundreds of hours of quests” isn’t going to sell anyone on the game. No one in history has ever updated a game review because they realized that the UI was actually NASA punk. If Bethesda really wants to sell people on Starfield, maybe they should stop arguing with negative reviews and focus on making it a better game.
💬Did you like Starfield, or do you need a visit from someone at Bethesda Customer support? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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I still prefer Skyrim and Fallout games only from Bethesda. Maybe that's just my personal preference, or maybe many others feel the same as me ~
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