My 10 favorite mobile games played in 2023 | The best of Android and iOS this year

It's been an exhilarating journey for mobile gamers in 2023. From simple casual and retro games to complex high budget ARPGs and even Triple A titles, the mobile gaming landscape has been nothing short of dynamic. The platform has been exponentially growing and starting to take over even the PC and Console space, and it's only going to get better.
This year has seen a robust collection of new anime adaptations, fresh titles, and impressive ports making their mark on the small screen, mirroring the diversity and quality present in their big brother counterparts, PC and Console.
As the year draws to a close, I'm delighted to present a collection of my favorite titles that I've played on mobile on both iOS and Android, strictly not in order. This is only based on my taste and preferences, as a primarily an all-around gamer that plays games in all kinds of platforms, mobile games included.
Note that this list is primarily based on the games I've had the pleasure of playing and reviewing here on TapTap, and as much as possible, I only chose those who have been official released, not in beta testing or early access. Nonetheless, it is a diverse and comprehensive perspective on the year's mobile gaming landscape.

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