An upcoming rampaging frog game on PC made playable via Mobile (Cloud) | Pesticide Not Required

Pocket Playfest: An Indie Celebration 2023 Winter Edition
In a recent hands-on exclusive experience this past weekend, I had the privilege of testing a handful of titles on TapTap's experimental cloud gaming service, setting the stage for this 16-day event where indie game developers show-off their creations exclusively on the TapTap mobile platform — fully playable PC games without the need for an actual PC, Android/iOS version, or the need to download the games and install them.  Granted, you’d need to have a reliable internet service to be able to stream these games, and preferably are located in US and Canada for consistent play and latency, at least for now.
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📅 Schedule Dates: December 23, 12 AM PT - January 7, 11:59 PM PT. Playfest Winners & Player Rewards Announcement: January 8, 12 AM PT
One of the titles that you can play on cloud during the event is Pesticide Not Required. In this game, you don't need a pesticide, Because YOU are the pesticide, in the form of a bullet hell-spewing frog, dodging and weaving through swarms of enemies while unleashing their own barrage of attacks. Not only that, the frog also wants to mine and fish while caring for pets, all at the same time. A pretty HUGE responsibility for this poor Frog. This upcoming rogue-lite game is just nuts.
The variety of weapons and the ability to craft unique builds with 40+ stats ensure that each run feels fresh and exciting. The game truly succeeds in making the player feel like the unstoppable force of nature that the frog represents.
The combination of ultra chaotic bullet hell elements, mowing down hundreds of foes on the screen with ultra-fluid frame rates, and retro-style farming sim visuals is perfectly fine-tuned to be oddly satisfying. Playing the game is almost, if not already, a therapeutic experience.
Just one run of the demo was all it took for me to be completely sold on this absurd farming survival rogue-lite game. A demo is currently available for download and boy it did a really good job of Demoing the game.
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