This game just keeps getting better

When you have passionate dedicated devs lile Krafton and Dream motion that are fair to players and have made a truly fair skill based f2p game you get an amazing strategy RTS game Road to Valor Empires with an esports league and weekly unit and game mode updates and unit balance patches.
I was pleasantly surprised with this update cause beside 2 new units and 1 magic ability they added a new guardian and a rework on the challenge mode trial they made it even more fun and challenging with better rewards. They made the new corrupted altar challenge random pick of guardian and units and also gives random buffs in and endless wave type of game mode against challenging guardian trials. Check out all the images attached for previews of the update
They also added a huge update for alliances. There is now alliance contribution system where guild alliance players who destroy enemies or towers or keeps of other players gain contribution points for the alliance which will then unlock tier chest rewards. It will promote more guild activity and incentive players to win more 1v1 or 2v2 matches. They also added now a guild contribution ranking and in the new update kind of like a guild ranking system.
Lastly they added a new gem rush event when doing 1vs1 rank matches you can earn up to 5 gems per match for destroying enemy keeps in matches and you can earn a total of 2000 gems throughout the duration of the event :)
Lastly they have their best and sweetest deal offers in the store particularly they slashed half price on their very rare guaranteed mythic unit chest which only appears in major updates and has a purchase limit of 2 purchases per player and a huge steal of 10 glorius chest at low prices. Even if you don't purchase these stuff to support the devs the game in itself is a skill based game no amount of mythic units can make you win against a more skilled player who utilises better strategy timing and deployment and counters i know cause i've lost to a more skilled players. So come join us in this amazing game Road to Valor Empires
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I’m really impressed by the continuous improvements this dev team is making. The addition of a gem rush event and alliance contribution systems not only adds to the game integrity but it stimulates more guild activity.
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Agreed glad that others see the hardwork the devs of this game made quality of life improvements and it also further enhanced the quality of the game itself. :)
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