Game: LIGHT NO FIRE Platform: PC, X/S, PS Genre: Open World, Survival, Roleplaying, Multiplayer Release: Late 2024
Overview Since Hello Games disastrous release of NO MAN'S SKY more than five years ago. They gradually regained their composure in order to reflect the vision they had been striving to establish for their game as time progressed.
They created an huge universe that was procedurally generated and guaranteed online multiplayer from the moment of release, stating, "Due to the immense size of the universe, it is highly unlikely that you will ever encounter another player."
Gradually, the developer's deceit came to light, revealing the truth that they had failed to deliver on their commitments. With the hope that they have gained insight and are now prepared to fulfill their stated commitments, they explicitly demonstrate and announce that this game will straight up support multiplayer.
Presentation I can affirm that this game is visually remarkable, with a plethora of features and content to explore. I am extremely curious as to what sailing will entail beyond simply motoring across the ocean in a vessel. Potentially, the capability to descend to the depths of the ocean floor in search of submerged treasures or formidable foes such as the enormous blue cephalopod depicted in the trailer?
Perhaps angling will be incorporated as well as some other type of component. The fact that that is not a feature in the majority of newly released games is surprising, given that the gaming community actually quite enjoys it look at DREDGE.
I would like to see additional physical effects when woodcutting and similar activities (mining and foraging) if incorporated. Observing an individual fell a tree without causing any actual damage to it, save for the removal of logs, and the tree toppling over, does not consistently satisfy my inclination towards immersion. While it is more on the lines of fantasy, I believe it would do the game good.
Gameplay / Combat Presumably, the gameplay will comprise of a procedurally generated world on Earths scale, which represents the culmination of their expertise and capabilities from their efforts with NO MAN'S SKY condensed into one location.
Loading times are the one aspect of the game that causes me the most concern. I would prefer a vast world devoid of loading displays to one with numerous ones, as the former undermines the sense of immersion. I am curious as to how they intend to approach this issue and if they do add any, I do hope that they are minor.
In addition to exploring the world, hopping on the backs of various mounts, and simply taking in the surroundings, it appears to feature the rudimentary (3) style combat of Magic, Melee, and Range. Although it does not delve too deeply into these subjects, the game appeared to be visually appealing and responsive from what is currently available for viewing.
Conclusion I continue to be extremely apprehensive regarding this entire situation of Hello Games. I was among the numerous players who were duped into purchasing NO MAN'S SKY upon its initial release without receiving a single promise that was made.
There was no online gameplay, and everything in the game malfunctioned; it was merely a massive physical glitch that prevented anything from functioning properly.
While I know many individuals may perceive this game as an infinite source of potentialities, I perceive an opportunity for the developers to rehabilitate their public persona among those to whom they owed a tremendous disservice towards.
Only time will tell what will be revealed to us in the upcoming future.
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