Another Pay to Win game but ... (PLAY OR PASS?!?!?)

Total Size when I play this game is 421 MB, idle merge adventure troops strategy which is easy to play, because resources are easy to get and the rarity chance gacha from Esensial summon which is not bad.
👍 Pros:
Because The essential summon here is like a normal gacha where summon items are obtained from daily missions and adventure dungeons. With the opportunity to get a 3-4 star epic hero until legendary, My experience is like that.
Comparable to the difficulty of obtaining purple crystals, but there is one summon that has a good rarity chance
🎮 Gameplay: Why is there a strategy genre??
because even though there is an automatic feature to equipping troops. It is not necessarily that our army wins. There is little strategy to implement. This game is also one of the strategy games that I like
🎮 Gameplay: If I'm not mistaken, there are 4 rarities of type, including
gray and green for troops, then for
purple and yellow are 3-4 star heroes
For troops, the entry level is 1🌟 and the highest level is 4🌟.
🕹️ Controls: To combine troops of at least 3 troops of the same ⭐ level to get 1 the next ⭐ level of troops.
Or you can combine 5 troops of the same ⭐ level to get 2 troops of the next level ⭐
Thanks and see you next game...
Mentioned games
I love the summon feature in Top Troops. Really adds to the excitement.
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