MMO rogue-like twin-stick shooter? I haven't seen this idea before | Gameplay - Darza's Dominion

Darza's Dominion is a unique pixel blend of rogue-like, twin stick shooter, and MMO elements, setting itself apart in a genre dominated by single-player experiences and cooperative multiplayer.
The game offers a straightforward yet challenging gameplay. Left stick to move, and right stick to shoot and aim in a 360 degree angle. You have one ability that is determined by your class, and that’s about it. You just have to survive and get stronger. If you die, your character resets. Darza's Dominion has progression system that involves looting for better gear, leveling up, and combining gems.
As part of the MMO experience, you’ll see other players in the world, with the option to interact with them, form guilds, and defeat epic bosses together. It’s not really a typical MMORPG game with all the features you would expect from a full pledged MMO, but it still fits the description as a massively multiplayer online experience, as the game supports up to 100+ players in a single instance.
🚧Recent Rework and Updates Highlights — The developers have introduced several notable features in this recent rework, which are the following:
Affixes: A game-changing feature altering how items are played and looted.
Semreh and Attainments: A new endgame system with attainments and leaderboards. New Player + General Experience Improvements: Introducing new dungeons, tutorials, and changes to the overall experience.
Functioning Guilds: A fully functional guild system for better collaboration and communication.
Account Customization: Titles and emotes offer players a chance to express themselves.
Day and Night System: Adds immersion with time-dependent enemy spawns and encounters.
Updated UI: Improvements to UI elements for better information delivery and experience.
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