366 Days of Gaming 2024: Day 4

Day 4: No Man's Sky
Platform: PC
Warning: This game has a very well executed photo mode, so if you're as obsessed with taking pics in games as I am, you've been warned: This game is absolutely gorgeous, and there are so many wonderful photos to be taken and so much time to be spent taking them.
TL;DR since this is rather long: Game is extremely fun, suitable for all play styles with various customizable settings, and I highly recommend it even if you're not into space games.
Now that that's out of the way, let me just say one word: Wow. That one word pretty much covers my entire experience with the game so far, although doesn't quite do it justice. When I first loaded it up, I hadn't expected to end up as immersed as I was, nor spend as much time as I had. It's one of those games that you just kind of forget about time while you play it. Which for me, definitely isn't a bad thing at all.
Also I'm sure some of you are thinking it but yes, I'm well aware this game has been out for a good while now, and I'm a little late to the party. But as they say, better late than never, right?
Anyway. There is nothing I don't love about this game so far, and although I haven't logged a ton of hours (yet), I don't anticipate that changing. This game is made for all play styles from the super casual to the super hardcore. There are a few preset modes you can choose from in the beginning. You can choose to play creative mode (think Minecraft) and just chill, build, no worries, no death, life is good, or if you're feeling heroic, there's a permadeath mode as well. There's also every play style in between since can even customize your experience any way you like. I'll throw in some screenshots of those settings as well.
So far I've really enjoyed this game, from resource gathering to scanning and identifying flora and fauna, to digging random holes and tunnels, to just bouncing around in my jetpack. I haven't quite gotten to the building things yet, just a couple of small things. At one point I even kind of forgot I had actual quests to do since I was having so much fun just going around exploring. The navigation isn't bad, which says a lot coming from someone who usually needs a full map with big flashing lights telling them where to go. It's a very well-rounded game.
I definitely recommend this game to anyone and everyone, whether you even like space or space games or not, regardless of your skill level or play style. I recommend this game ten billion percent more to anyone who loves a good photo mode.
One thing I haven't been able to test yet tho is the multiplayer, but I'll be able to fairly soon and I'll touch back on that once I do so.
This is already long enough I'm sure, but I just wanted to say a huge thank you to those who are following me on my #366daysofgaming2024 journey and your support keeps me motivated. Thank you so much.
Mentioned games
I too love taking pics in game & can relate a lot. Your post pushed me over the edge - downloading now!
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Awesome! I'm definitely a sucker for in-game photography, and I'm glad to see I'm not alone lol. Feel free to let me know what you think of it if you'd like 🙂
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