📖 Storyline: Minds Beneath Us is a captivating game that immerses us in a dystopian world where society is entirely automated by AI. The game follows the story of a man and a data ghost who lives in his head and controls his body. Together, they will have to face a mysterious plot that is gradually revealed.
🎮 Gameplay: The game presents itself as an interactive thriller where the player can constantly make their own dialogue choices, and influence the relationship between the characters. Player choices and actions have a constant impact on the development of the story, which can take different turns depending on the situation.
🎨 Graphics: The game stands out for its careful production, which combines hand-drawn animations and fluid camera movements, creating a unique cinematic experience. The game also mixes 2D characters and detailed 3D environments, presenting a vision of Taipei in the near future. The game's soundtrack is also excellent, and fits well with the scenes.
🎵 Sound: The game's soundtrack is excellent, and fits well with the scenes.
Minds Beneath Us is a game worth checking out for fans of science fiction and thrillers.Minds Beneath Us is a game worth checking out for fans of science fiction and thrillers. I really enjoyed the demo of the game and I can't wait for it to be officially released on steam to make the most of it. Play the demo now!
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Sounds promising! Finally, a game with an interesting psyche twist.
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