Building your dream island village, step by step | Early Access Gameplay - Cozy Islands

Cozy Islands – craft & build is a crafting and building game where you can rebuild an old island village and explore its surrounding islands. The game starts with gathering simple resources like grass, wood, and stones. The gameplay loop revolves around crafting more complex resources with the help of NPC villagers and their workshops. As players build more structures, new islands and areas unlock, providing access to additional resources and crafting options.
The building process is detailed, taking players through the construction of foundations, walls, doors, windows, and decorations. While the building itself is predetermined, the step-by-step approach adds a sense of accomplishment to each structure.
The game's progression relies on the satisfaction of building and cultivating islands. As players construct more structures, new areas become accessible, leading to the discovery of additional resources and crafting possibilities.
The whole game is a pretty guided experience; especially as a crafting and building game, it easily what resources are needed and where to craft it, and even at times where to gather the resources. The mechanics allow players to express their creativity by renovating and building each house step by step, promising both engagement and reward.
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gilang yudhistira
gilang yudhistira
yeahh but it have no variation of tasks
Amazing game guys. Similar to my time at portia
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