366 Days of Gaming 2024: Day 11

Day 11: Doodle Magic: Wizard vs Slime
Platform: Android
This is an auto battle where you get to choose magic spells and additional random upgrades for them at the start of every "wave" during each stage. I use the term wave loosely, as there isn't exactly a break between the release of more mobs, more so just a number counting the progress ticks up. The wall you cast from the safety of has a set amount of HP and you have to kill the mobs before they get to it and destroy it.
There is basically no guidance in this game, and there are gear and items that you just have to figure out on your own. There are also of course IAPs for currencies, and also the option to watch ads for certain things.
I was surprised yet not that I started having trouble at stage 3 but got back on my feet and cleared, but got totally wrecked on stage 4.
I'm personally not really a fan of auto types, since sometimes it doesn't target what it needs to as priority, and that can make or break a stage sometimes. Another thing I don't like is how whenever other people who are playing unlock items of certain rarities, it comes up in a scroll bar across the top of the screen. I find this to be completely pointless, annoying, and a bit detracting from what's going on, and there's no way to turn it off. They also still have their Christmas theme on even though we are almost two weeks into the new year, and that's kind of annoying to me.
I will say tho that I like the aesthetic. It's all doodle-style and I'm a bit fan of that.
I can't really see myself playing this much, as I prefer games that are more focused on the gameplay than announcing what random players are doing (and you can't play this offline so you're stuck with it), but if all the distractions don't affect you, then you may enjoy it.
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