The Finals | Stops players taking unfair advantage from controller aim assist

The Finals has released patch update 1.4.1, which tackles several issues related to aim assist and zoom snapping—features intended to aid players using controllers on both PCs and consoles.
As with many contemporary shooters, The Finals allows for crossplay, providing scenarios where PC users with keyboard and mouse setups might face off against console players utilizing controllers. To balance the playing field, controller users receive the advantage of aim assist. However, the effectiveness of aim assist compared to manual aiming with a mouse and keyboard is a topic of ongoing discussion. This update aims to fine-tune aim assist to be less dominant and offer a more natural aiming experience for controller players.
Aim Assistance
Zoom Snapping Angular Velocity now has a max cap, preventing unintended rapid 90-degree turns.
Camera Magnetism will be reduced to 35% from 50%, making player aim less sticky and lowering controller accuracy.
Zoom Snapping Time will be reduced to 0.25s from 0.3s.
Zoom Snapping will be removed from the SR-84 Sniper Rifle, Revolver, LH1, and all Shotguns, as it buffs them morethan other weapons.
Aim assist will ignore invisible players, fixing a bug with the existing system.
Clients running key re-mapping programs on PC will not have access to aim assist.
Certain third-party software allows players to use a mouse and keyboard while misleading the game into believing they are using a controller, thus gaining the precise control of a mouse along with the added benefit of the game’s aim assist. With the new patch, however, those who have been exploiting this loophole—be they considered cheaters or simply bending the rules—will no longer enjoy this unfair advantage.
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ah yes tap tap In tap tap
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