call of duty mobile

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Roger Lester
Roger Lester
well it finally turned, they are taking the absolute best online game and turning it to nothing more than your run of the mill futuristic light shows, everything from spikes shooting up from earth to kill yo,,, to turning you into pumpkins and presents,,, omg what the hell happened with the weaponry ,,, they had the best,, good old blood and knuckle ,historical ,iron weapons that win warz ,,, but no some developer testing what I figure is drugs for the first time is ruining a lot,,, werewolves running around with guns,,, futuristic guns absolutely no other players regular weapons could ever stand up to,, you just have to give up ,, my wife and I are members of every pass put out so far,, and frequently spend spend spend,,, still can't compete,,, this is my last go around,what the next update holds , determines our gaming fate,,, I know ashfall, once human,, and many more are heading out way fast,,, I and all my friends will give them our money lol,,, hate to cause cod is/ was amazing
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