Is Call of Duty Mobile (COD Mobile) coming to PC?

Leaked information hints at an independent PC release for Call of Duty Mobile (COD Mobile). Despite the option to play the game on PC using an emulator, it comes with persistent lag issues, negatively impacting the overall gaming experience.
Excitement is brewing within the community due to speculation about the game possibly becoming crossplay-enabled.
The prospect of this feature being incorporated has left fans eagerly anticipating further updates, keeping them on the edge of their seats since the initial revelation.
This article delves into various aspects of the newest standalone PC version of Call of Duty Mobile, covering details like its potential release date, system requirements, and more.
Possible release date of Call of Duty Mobile PC version and more
According to a trustworthy source (@LeakersOnDuty) on January 10, 2024, the PC version of COD Mobile is expected to undergo testing in mid-January. The release might happen around January 17, 2024. Despite excitement in the community, there's a chance the test could be limited to the Chinese region, as per recent updates.
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Dio Taro
Dio Taro
no it's called codm not codpc
Mario Dela torre
Mario Dela torre
coan i join pls
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