literally the best EFT copy I've ever played. so far I've only played about 2 games(including this) and 2 game modes that is similar to EFT(PUBG MR mode and Cyber Hunter Loot Lord).
Straight to the point. gameplay wise everything is amazing, a better and hardcore version of Badlanders. players and bots alike can clap ur cheeks in mere seconds, playing too long on a match causes players to starve and thirst. very survival-like. Network is pretty crap, for now only chinese players have the upper hand with smooth network(ping). healing is slow and im pretty much always vulnerable when healing(not a bad thing, makes me nervous as hell)
playing without a silencer really increases the difficulty level by a lot. enemies swarm in fast including other players looking for a chance to third party. mag slowly reloads itself if u have a secondary mag, can also reload manually just like EFT.(saw about 2 reviews complaining about the reload, it's not a problem. just a feature. get use to it). ammo also has different stats and has it's own strength depending on their level and price. shotgun is really weak in this game, hope that it has separate settings for ADS and hipfire in settings. so i can use ADS with other guns and can hipfire with shotguns. i turn into a vegetable whenever i use a shotgun. can't have the privilege of moving while shooting like smg and AR
gun customization is great, i always make the most atrocious looking gun that i can make. some attachments can make the gun look good but tiny bit pricey, and it's locked behind a level requirement to buy them too. otherwise gun customization is great.
grenades.... they're scary in any games, glad this game also the same. (i never use grenades in this game, i just sell them)
I've got no problem with looting, it's very hard most times since other players come running to claim them first. i wished the bots would've attacked harder when players infiltrate a certain zone or when players get near a locked door that needs a key since the marauders job r literally to secure their safe. i keep seeing players run in and run out unscathe and it's annoying how everyone just does that. zero difficulty when looting. if anything good about this game is that it's a lot easier to earn money compared to badlanders.
shooting. u pretty much just need to shoot invisible hitboxes whenever a player moves around. their hitboxes r infront of their moving range(since we're playing on low fps), just a little tip for my review
worst experience i had was when i saved a naked player. he followed me around and stole my first ever legendary loot (graphics card) in buried bunker akiyama. i also accidentally dropped the key when i tried to clear out my safe inventory box. which he also took. i then ran to the cable escape area but got shot down by a naked with a purple ammo sks. got all of my things including my guns the m700 sniper and AK103(?) both fully modded stolen. stopped playing for 2 days and came back, the pain is real
all in all my experience with this game is great. frustrating but it's great. played about 59 hours
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Antarc Froze
Antarc Froze
this was like half a year ago i see. i enjoyed this game at its beta time. but current LL is so much more laggy, if not it would've been a fun game to play honestly. literally running this on 300ms on early level, and it was 600ms at average when playing on a higher level(more players) *sigh* with the current update
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