Anticipating a Futuristic Romance in Love and Deepspace

Love and Deepspace was released on January 18, 2024. And in the past two days, I've played the game in anticipation due to the featured 5-star - Xavier card.
When the game was being advertised, I've seen a lot of things. The game is in 3D and each characters are worked out, giving a huge upgrade for other otome games that stick to 2D art. The art style is also realistic, complementing the 3D-ness of the game. Although the realistic art style is very bothering in comparison to what I've gotten used to, it looks pretty suitable, while in some cases, the characters looked bland because of the realistic art style.
The game features three male leads, an unknown powerful hunter known as Xavier, the female lead's doctor Zayne, and an artist named Rafayel. Xavier acts like an introverted person who is somehow adorable, Zayne is the typical aloof, cold, and professional person, and Rafayel is cool, with personality, kind of artist. Very typical, no? Well, I think their personalities are very generic in terms of all the other games I've encountered. Obey Me!'s seven demons have more personality than these three, but maybe that can be worked out in future stories.
Talking about the three male leads, the game features a lot of ways to date your husband so I'll give them a plus for that since this is an otome game, each card you pull also has its own stories, in comparison to Tears of Themis - this game has more dating functions. Love and Deepspace also cater to female players so much, especially with fanservice and abs, a lot of abs.
The chat function of the game also involves a lot of fun conversations, giving each male lead a bit of personality, which is fine and better. The more you talk with them the more you discover their true personalities, yet the bland part of them arises in their facial expression that I consider lacking, giving them a weird sense of nonchalance in contrast to their words and sentences.
The storyline's world-building looks very well thought out, since in the first few chapters the world background is very emphasized, which is pretty intimidating to play with and continue in. The male leads were also introduced in the first episode, with Rafayel being the most abrupt and forced one with a certain encounter, definitely could be better and thought out more. 
Love and Deepspace also feature action, 3D fights in some stories, and probably in future functions to unlock. So far my experience with it is bearable, though the slight lags that delay every action is a bit annoying. Nonetheless, the male leads' every move is satisfying, it shows a lot of subtle features that show how otome this game is, with the male leads' skills protecting the main character.
Oh, and in case it wasn't mentioned, of course, this otome game has a gacha! The game has a lot of free items given to newcomers that pretty much soothe my heart because - farming for diamonds is HARD, and the game has to compensate for another way to make up for the scarcity of diamonds, and you need diamonds to pull for cards.
While playing the game, I encountered a few bugs - such as the announcement in-game started bugging which made me restart my phone to play again. The loading screen is also very Nikke - it's slow. During my gameplay as well, the frame rate kept jumping, which made the game move in delay or static, the obvious delay shows between the voiceovers, the dialogue, and the mouth action. While some actions such as tapping icons have delays, and there's a slight lag in everything.
Overall, what I've mentioned has a chance of being worked out in the future, so I hope it won't change your thoughts about it much. The otome game is good and I very much loved it, if you like otome games and handsome male leads, including fanservice, Love, and Deepspace welcome you with open arms.
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