Game: Time to Strike Platform: PC Genre: Bullet Hell, Arena Shooter, Action Roguelike
Time to Strike is currently available as a Demo. You might like this game if you like The Binding of Isaac or Brotato's style of being locked in a chamber with hordes of monsters and bullet hell trying your best to survive while equipping your character with plenty of relics and powers that will change your appearances.
Graphics & Presentation
Unfortunately, because it is a Demo and a very short one at that, only giving you about 7-10 minutes per run, I felt as though I was not really getting to appreciate the combat at a higher level and constantly dealing with the slow motions and then higher difficulty sprinkled in between the easy sections. The game itself has a decent amount of depth, but I would have liked to see more playtime.
There is not much of an emphasis placed on the visuals, though there are elements that have been added in which your character will change his appearance slightly when you equip new power ups, which makes it a little bit interesting. However, that is all there is to it in terms of the visual changes and the overall style of the game.
It was enjoyable when it started to ramp up, and the numerous distinct builds that lit up the screen seemed incredibly rich with serotonin. I didn't feel like I could really get into it and appreciate it for what it was worth, because the runs were so brief.
The dazzling white, green and many other colors of the weapons and powerups frequently blocked my vision, which added an additional layer of artificial complexity to the game. This made it rather challenging to view the screen and to determine where your character was located and what was dangerous and what wasn't.
I do hope that for the complete release of this game, that it has some type of plan in motion to make it more infinite or at the very least twenty minutes, since the majority of action roguelikes have a tendency to limit their games for this amount of time.
When a game actively pulls me out of a good run that was only for ten to twenty minutes, I tend to lose interest in them. This is because, most of the time, you won't find that really insane build that just mows down hoards of enemies and gives you a nice rush of serotonin. But regardless, check the game out on Steam for yourself!
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