I'ma be honest this game SUCKS,
I played over 30 hour's and every single minute was SHIT,
I didn't enjoy playing the game, i thought i'f i gave enough time i would get into it but i was wrong,
(1 animation)
animation's are stiff, movement is slow, dodge button doesn't exist, literally you just have to walk around a mob and kill him, and mob's are non-flexible, and not animated, your character doesn't have any animation's, only some difference's in classes.bosses are the same they have no animation's, only 1 or 2 attack animation's.
(2 mob's/Bosses)
mob's doing literally no damage so do bosses, there are no difference between mob and the boss, except bosses have more texture's and are bigger, they drop no loot and if they do it SUCKS, and they are easy to kill.
(3 in game Mechanic's)
the progression in this game literally SUCK A MASSIVE DICK, when you level up world around you level's up as well, so there is no felling of achievement of progress, and you level up super fast as if exp doesn't really matter and as if it's non-existent, and there is no level system so your character level up automatically, there is no skill tree so this means character customization is non-existent.
(4 loot, armor, weapon's)
there are 6 classes, all of them are individual builds, you can't choose a blood knight and rebuild him as a crusader, there are no weapons except what you get at the start and progressively get a better version, you don't really need armor in this game cuz like you never get hit, loot can SUCK MY DICK
(5 story, quest's, world build,music,)
ok story isn't bad i can't dog SHIT the things that are good, theme and music is awesome like you fell like an absolute badass, quests are dissent they are not the best but they are quest's, world build can SUCK MY DICK
(6 overall)
The art style is incredible there's no denying that, story is good, quest's need some depth, and world build needs to exist.
Overall i didn't enjoy playing, i played for a while, i watched some YouTubers playing it but it didn't drag me into it, i mostly love MMORPG's but this one FUCKING SUCKED, i mostly play dark souls, elden ring, world of warcraft, new world, and similar game's, so like i do like MMORPG's it's just that i couldn't enjoy myself playing this SHIT, like how the FUCK do people even play this. But in the end it's up to you who is reading this, you can't trust my word you gotta see it for yourself, good luck i hope your experience will be better than mine. AND BLIZZARD CAN SUCK MY DICK. I spent 3 dollars on a skin, and now i financially FUCKED
Mentioned games
what a skill issue
sounds like a you problem, my guy
i feel you bro from that match you write on that feedback 🤣🤣🤣
skill issue fr
skill issue
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