A roguelite metroidvania with town building! | Gameplay - Never Grave Demo

Never Grave: The Witch and The Curse offers a mix of hack-and-slash combat and possession mechanics, while offering town building elements during moments of respite on your home town. As a metroidvania, 2D platforming elements are a huge part of dungeon crawling — there are secrets to discover, traps to avoid, and hazardous environments to navigate around in.
Death is an integral part of the experience. The core experience involves repeatedly exploring procedurally generated dungeons, gradually reaching deeper than before, and simultaneously building up your character’s power and the town’s facilities.
It seems like chopping down trees and mining stones as a mechanic isn’t going anywhere, as even Never Grave also features town-building and resource gathering mechanics. Since the town was fully destroyed, it’s part of your task to rebuild it, and constructing new facilities will grant bonuses to the player. These bonuses include the ability to craft new materials, acquire new skills, unlock new abilities, and, in turn, access more facilities to build. One more unique element in the gameplay is that with the cursed hat, players can take control of a selected range of enemies encountered in the dungeons. Each possessed enemy grants the player specific abilities, enabling them to open up new avenues of action and temporarily gain advantages in battles – while preserving the main character health points.
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