Legends of Hunters: A Promising RPG with Room for Growth

Graphic :❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍
The graphics in this game are impressive, with excellent visual art and high levels of detail. The animations are also very smooth, providing a fluid and immersive experience.
Sound Effect:❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍
The game's background is visually stunning and engaging, but I am also a sound effects enthusiast. I believe that the sound effect of using skills would be more impactful if it were accompanied by a slow-motion cinematic.
Gameplay : ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍
This game is a role-playing game (RPG), but it is an auto battle and turn-based RPG. So, you only need to use your skills, and the rest is auto attack.
Story : ❤️❤️🤍🤍 🤍
The game's description is lacking in detail, and it does not provide much information about the game's world. Players are left to infer that the game involves fighting enemies, collecting items, crafting items, and using skills.
😍Good :
- High-quality graphics - Excellent visual art
🙃Bad :
- A story could make the game more immersive. - Slow-motion cinematics when using skills could make the game more impactful.
Conclution :
Overall, Legends of Hunters shows promise, but adding a deeper narrative and cinematic elements could elevate it to truly stand out in the RPG landscape.
Remember, this is just a taste of the game. Check out my gameplay videos and dont forget to comment.
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Definitely trying this out.
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