5 features Palworld needs to add now

Palworld launched with a ton of content, but it’s still missing some essential features. The early access roadmap promises to add content like PvP and raid bosses, but there are a few more updates I’d really like to see. These are five features Palworld needs to add as soon as possible.
A pause button
Look, I get why you can’t pause in Palworld multiplayer, but why is there no pause button for single-player? Every time I look away from the game to check my phone or grab a glass of water, I come back to find my character starving. I don’t want to have to shut down the entire game every time I need to use the bathroom. A pause button isn’t the most exciting feature, but it’s something that Palworld desperately needs.
Better base-building tools
Right now, Palworld’s base-building tools feel a little limited. There’s no way to expand the size of your base, and the only way to move the items you’ve built is to disassemble and rebuild them. Since structures don’t snap to a grid, placing things in the right location is much harder than it should be.
A few simple quality of life improvements would take the stress out of base-building. Most of my building projects have been limited in scope, but if Palworld streamlined its building mechanics, I’d try constructing all kinds of crazy structures.
It would also be great to have more pieces to build with. The wood, stone, and iron foundation items available now are a nice start, but they’re kind of limiting. Adding new building materials and additional roof and window types would make the building process a lot more fun.
Dungeon upgrades
Palworld’s dungeons are home to rare Pals and awesome loot, but they don’t offer much variety. Right now, the majority of dungeons are caves, which isn’t really that exciting. I’d love to see Palworld add a wider assortment of dungeons, like castle ruins or underground bases. They could even take a page out of the Craftopia playbook and add platforming and puzzles!
In addition to making dungeons more diverse, Palworld should make its dungeons easier to access. Hidden dungeons are cool and all, but it would be nice if a few dungeons were visible on the map. I want to tackle dungeons with my strongest Pals by my side, but if I’m going to do that, I need to know where they actually are.
More control over Pals
I love my Pals—especially Depresso—but they’re not always easy to control. It’s cool that Pals have a mind of their own, but why are they so obsessed with mining at the stone pit? How come they’re desperate to take over mining and crafting projects until I actually need their help?
Better Pal AI would be fantastic, but I also want Palworld to add tools that give you a greater level of control over your monster friends. I’d love to be able to block Pals from taking on certain tasks, or to train my Pals so that they could develop new passive skills.
And I don’t just want some say over the Pals at my base; I want more control over my battle partners too. It would be amazing if I could tell my Pals to stop attacking once an enemy is down to ten percent health, or if I could have them heal themselves when they’re low on health. I don’t want to have to keep Pals in their spheres all the time. If I had more control over their behavior, I could always have them fighting by my side.
Underwater exploration
One of my all-time favorite Minecraft updates is the Update Aquatic, which added new sea creatures, undersea exploration, and other water-themed features to the game. Palworld has already borrowed elements from tons of beloved games, and it should take inspiration from these features too.
Monster collecting games always have tons of water, but it’s rare to see them use that water in an interesting way. Letting players go under the sea would be a great way to mix things up. I want to do more than swim across oceans; I want to explore sunken ships and search for buried treasure. I want to collect materials like coral and seaweed and discover new Pals that you can’t find on land. There are tons of possibilities here, and I really want Palworld to explore them.
Adding aquatic features to the game would also give water Pals more utility. Instead of just towing me across the water, my Pals could take me deep below the surface. Maybe some Pals could even help me breathe underwater for a short window of time. Exploration is one of my favorite parts of Palworld, and I really want to see what’s going on under the sea.
💬 What are some of the features that you’d like to see added to Palworld? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Mentioned games
This would be good for an update but not all at once like most games do like once every two weeks or something so players can do more with the one before. Other than that I would love to see this come to Palworld.
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I agree! They should definitely space this stuff out. I love Palworld in its current state, but I can't wait to see how it improves over time!
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