it's hard to rate a game when you can't even understand the story behind it.

I'm struggling to find positives here. I've  ran into the first problem right away, from the start of the game.  The fact that I can't choose the language of the story mode right out of the gate.
Overall I'll try to rate this for the pros and cons side of it, because I liked the cat and characters design. Which made me download in the first place, but it's not what I expected out of the game after downloading it.
👍 Pros: (not many here sadly, I probably have two or three pros)
- like I said before the design for the characters look good, and the graphics is not like my biggest fan but it's good for this kind of game anyways
- you do have background music but like it's only one song on repeat.
- you can gather materials and brew them.
- The "fights" you do have seem to be straight forward as far as what each button does
👎 Cons:
- The biggest con I have is not having a option to change the language because it's stuck in one language and I honestly can't play it for the story side of it because I cant even understand the first word let alone anything else.
- it seems the longer you play in the map like the video it actually seems to make you go slower? The only way this would make sense is if your backpack gets full or something. (It doesn't seem to because after the video I went into that level and completed all of it that time, and it didn't uh affect it except for the slight movement change.)
- it just seems a bit out of wack as far as priorities for the hero of the game because it wants to deal with the closest thing so you cant assign the character to a certain thing unless you get closer to it.
- the chests like in the video the second time around stopped working entirely I ran past 4 chests in the map the second time around and on 1 worked.
- I personally can't tell what the other buttons do because of the language barrier I have so like idk if their is setting for the language or what the other options even do. As pointed out in the video because if you notice I actually tried clicking on some of the buttons for them not to work. Obviously by the looks of it you have to unlock it, but with me not speaking that language idk; what I'm doing at all. I can't even tell you what the purpose of the game is.
_ Closing Statement _
Personally if you speak the language great maybe you could help enlightened me on what the story is about or how to play, but as of this point. Idk, it's definitely not something I recommend; if you don't speak the language first. Ik this is the type of review the devs of the game don't want, but I can't understand what's going on.  So if you, the devs, add a option as you login to the game, to choose what language you want the story to speak in that would definitely help a lot. I think adding a option to be able to save your game if you delete or anything like that, it would help save your progress.
Mentioned games
another positive at least is that you can tell what level 2 and level 1 is at least. yellow is lvl 2 (6 hits) and green lvl 1 (3 hits) as a lvl one for the main character.
it's the only thing I picked up from the different language barrier, but the rest of the features and even the story is unreadable.
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