No Surrender Heroes - Review

My Device📱: Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus 16GB RAM + 16GB VRAM
Graphic :❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍
The graphics of this game are good, but the animation is not yet stable enough, which makes the game feel choppy. When I changed the settings to high quality, the game's lobby looked very attractive, but I was unable to play in-game. I could not enjoy the high resolution of the game because it always crashed and returned to the lobby.
Sound Effect :❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍
In my opinion, the sound effects in this game are lacking. Perhaps due to the choppy gameplay, I was unable to fully enjoy the game's audio. I tried to listen carefully to the sounds of gunfire, tanks, and other elements, but they sounded underwhelming.
You can also notice that the sounds of missiles and bullets fired from your or your opponent's towers are not very impressive.
Gameplay :❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍
The gameplay is very similar to Supercell's Clash Royale, but what makes it different is the addition of zoom in and zoom out animations when placing troops.
Story :❤️🤍🤍🤍🤍
This game only provides an introduction on how to use all of its features.
😍 Good :
- Small size of only 700+MB
🙃 Bad :
- the game Requires an update, as the game is not yet very stable - Tank animation always plays when placing any unit, even if it is not a tank - Very similar to Clash Royale, with no unique features
No Surrender Heroes presents itself as a real-time strategy game with potential. While it boasts a modest download size, it currently suffers from stability issues that require an update. Additionally, its gameplay mechanics and animations closely resemble established titles like Clash Royale, leaving it somewhat lacking in uniqueness.
If you're looking for a lightweight, real-time strategy experience with familiar mechanics, No Surrender Heroes might be worth trying after its stability issues are addressed. However, if you crave innovative gameplay and unique features, you might want to look elsewhere.
This review is based on the information provided and may not reflect the entire gaming experience. It is always recommended to try the game yourself and form your own opinion.
Mentioned games
nice review bro you should try road to valor empires soon it's way better than this game :)
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okay , i already read your dm on discord
Nice review mate, but the instability issues seem pretty bad atm.
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