<Hero Stories> Marie seems innocent and lively, but...

Chapter 1: Secret Neverland
Marie is a fairy who lives in Neverland. Her personality is the complete opposite of Nesy's. Marie seems innocent and lively, but is smart and longs for growth. Most of the time, Marie worries about her elder sister, Nesy. Marie believed her sister to be a fairy who would never grow up, just like the other fairies of Neverland.
The fairies' eternal youth was one of Neverland's secrets. Neverland was once one of Oz's Wonder Spaces, but was eventually separated from Oz and turned into  a place where the fairies living there would never grow up. Since the fairies didn't grow mentally, they never understood love and responsibility. In this sense, Neverland was almost like a cage, restricting the fairies' mental growth. Because of this, Marie always tried to convince the other fairies to leave Neverland and seek out new things. However, Nesy and the other fairies refused to listen. And so, Marie decided to actively search out ways to get them to leave Neverland. Sprinkling herself with fairy powder, Marie set out on her journey, leaving Neverland.
Chapter 2: Guidance of Feather
When Marie first left Neverland, she met three pigs. They were building houses for themselves, which made them seem clever and creative in Marie's eyes. She wanted to invite the pigs to Neverland, but a wolf came along and blew the pigs' houses down. Because of this, the pigs refused Marie's offer so that they could rebuild.
Next, Marie met a dung beetle who claimed to have been all over the world. Wanting the beetle to teach the fairies about the world and how nice it was, Marie planned on inviting him to Neverland. However, the dung beetle refused. It wanted to stay at home, where everything was nice and cozy. A nearby horse laughed - it said that the dung beetle was just too conceited. Then, mumbling to itself, it said that the dung beetle claimed that the horse couldn't even have gotten a pair of horseshoes without the dung beetle's help.
Eventually, Marie met a sacred fairy named Federn. Federn directed Marie towards a path that would lead to the fairies' growth. As long as Marie followed the path, she would be able to find what she was looking for. And so, Marie headed off...
Chapter 3: Marie's Invitation
Following the path Federn set for her, Marie finally came to a vast sea. There seemed to be nothing special, and Marie waited until she started to doubt Federn. But then, she spotted a pirate ship off the coast nearby.
The ship belonged to a pirate named Hookhand. Hookhand had experienced many things at sea, so Marie decided to invite him to Neverland. Hookhand, on his part, had been searching for Neverland for a long time, so he agreed to go with Marie. He even promised to bring lots of fun gifts to try and win her over. Happy with this, Marie filled the ship with fairy powder and took it to Neverland...
Chapter 4: Hookhand's Invasion
To Marie's surprise, not only did Hookhand break his promise by capturing the fairies of Neverland, he also threatened the fairies with crocodiles in order for them to tell Hookhand Neverland's secret. None of them had heard about Neverland's secret, so they kept silent. Marie kept silent as well - she didn't want to say anything in case it gave Hookhand ideas, and she didn't want him to accidentally reveal that Marie was the one who brought him to Neverland. If the fairies found out, Marie would be considered an evil traitor.
At this time, Nesy was able to escape Neverland and went to the outside world in search of someone who could help her defeat Hookhand. She decided to lead the fairies against Hookhand.
Chapter 5: Secret of Growth
After Nesy's revolt succeeded, Hookhand was driven out of Neverland. Marie was concerned since she knew that Hookhand wasn't the type to give up that easily. Marie even believed that Federn had been wrong about the path leading her to growth. It had led to Windy's near-death and Hookhand's invasion.
Surprisingly enough, Nesy became willing to explore the outside world because of her friendship with Windy. Maybe that was the essence of growth, Marie thought. An adventure brimming with experiences, prices to be paid, and the courage to understand the unknown. Having decided to test this a bit further, Marie is going to embark on a new adventure with Nesy and Windy. #Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales
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I like her❤
desh LIGN
desh LIGN
Great game so far
aill ORIC
aill ORIC
Amazing game play
buri METH
buri METH
This game is fun
spre RESS
spre RESS
Great game so far.
ourn OTOM
ourn OTOM
Love it it's fun
COUS enol
COUS enol
Great game so far ... Will update later
HEDS ipca
HEDS ipca
Good easy play
SPOR ppen
SPOR ppen
Played a couple days Ive been enjoying it...
DERA cenc
DERA cenc
This is freaking awesome 💯😎
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