This running hack and slash game has a good foundation amd visual art only.
👍 Pro: The ink art style makes the game distinct and there is no animation errors when quickly switching between attacks.
👍 Pro: No lag when pressing an attack and enemy attacks are precise, latter point is crucial as this game relies on timing.
👎 Con: Ink mode makes us invincible regardless of the character in use, hence the invincibility power of our very first avatar is useless.
👎 Con: Constant pop up to download the cat sim game are annoying and there is a bug that constantly prompts the user to select avatar selection.
👎 Con: There is only 1 map with the same background, this is an issue because it makes area specific missions (Eg:- Kill X in Y area) confusing.
👎 Con: Limited attack options. This is an issue when you are trying to string up multiple perfect attacks. (Does not apply to the dog enemy)
Eg:- For the ninja enemy that jumps you have to use the jump attack. If there are 2 ninjas pressing Right twice will trigger the jump attack then the downward slash, the downward will always be considered as a weak attack.
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Love the art in SumiKen, makes it stand out more!
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