Not bad at all. Unique gameplay that's kind of a like auto chess. But not quite.
You build your deck as expected, but during gameplay, you use your gold to summon your units at random (common rarity is more likely to appear and legends are less likely).
If you summon multiple of a unit, you can merge them to make them stronger which unlocks their abilities. Gameplay is automatic, so you have very limited control. What little control you do have is limited only to loose placement (which is based on if and where you merge the units) and choosing any limited abilities that may appear during a match (choose 1 of 3 random abilities that may be unique to a unit or a global buff/debuff).
There is some strategy needed, but mostly you'll get by with just having stronger or better cards until your card pool fills out.
Games are 1v1 and last about 5 minutes with the first to lose all 5 hearts, loses the match.
It's cute and not a bad time killer. Great for when you're sitting on a toilet
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