Its a moba, so not much to say there.
It's very much a Korean game so expect all the characters to be pretty with meh voice acting.
Gameplay wise, it's much the same as any other mobile moba. The kicker is that instead of building items or weapons, you build a deck for the character. They've been adding cards slowly over the years so some characters will have tons of unique cards, while others only have 1 or 2. It seems to based on character popularity though.
You can preselect your cards, but they don't equip until you reach the appropriate level (every odd level).
The characters seems to be based on mythology or folk lore so expect things like Zeus or Jack the Ripper. But surprisingly, they also use lesser known mythology and folk stories as well. Character releases aren't often with maybe 3 a year. And balance updates (if any) are about that same frequency.
The main issue is the bots. As you get higher ranked, they become more obvious. But still, it's not bad. When you get a good game, you'll know it. But at the same time, there's so many bots that having just one on your team will cripple your chances.
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