This game as one of my favorite storylines of whole time this game has so much memorable moments and this game is just full out good with its storyline graphics cars guns weapons everything they even have a sandbox mode
👥 Multiplayer: this is where the problem is
This game is almost near unplayable for people who is just getting used to the game who has not watched anything about the community or anything there is lots of tryhards on this game that takes this game way too seriously and we'll go a whole mile to rassi from game to game if you killed him one time and start this whole drama on the internet. I was never part of any of the drama but I have friends who play it and is part of that drama sadly so this game is very good with online there's lots of things to do just play with your friends and try to be careful who you hang out with and it's best to play on PC you better deal with exploiters then weird PlayStation 5 players talking about how they have a better life than you and then proceeds to talk about how they have this whole GTA try hard life
You can find good roleplay community and mod on GTA to a extent
Overall this game is very very good the GTA community though is falling out badly
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Aes Khan
Aes Khan
یوحنا فیوجی
یوحنا فیوجی
Jerry Justice
Jerry Justice
Please how can I download this game
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