A top-down ARPG where you can explore different eras and affect the future | Gameplay - Last Epoch

Last Epoch is a typical ARPG game from the outset. Choose a character class, kill some monsters, progress through the story, unlock new skills, loot powerful gear, rinse and repeat. However what makes this game special aside from the unique time travel aspect is with how it handles its ARPG mechanics, and all the other little things.
The skill system allows for a great deal of customization in combat, with players able to mix and match skills from different trees to create powerful combinations. The combat itself is fast-paced, satisfying, with impactful animations and effects that make each encounter feel dynamic and exciting.
There are five classes — Mage · Rogue · Primalist · Acolyte · Sentinel, but each of these five classes can actually split into three more as they progress with their character, resulting in 15 classes in total.
As you play more, skills will unlock for your character and every single skills will have their own deep skill trees, which feels like a super-expanded version of Diablo III’s rune system or Diablo IV’s nodes system — although not as overly complicated as Path of Exile’s rotating skill tree of epic proportions. The progression of Last Epoch feels smooth, and leveling up takes just the right amount for my tastes; it doesn’t feel grindy compared to most ARPGs.
The crafting system also plays a significant role in progression, as players can craft powerful items to enhance their abilities. It’s a little bit harder to understand than the rest of the mechanics, considering how deep it is and highly customizable with how you can modify the item’s affixes, reroll them, or perhaps create new ones.
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