7 Levels in... I'm disappointed

I had just finished the 7th level, and it feels... Weird.
👍 Pros
- The animations are BEAUTIFUL, I love the bounciness of the plants.
👎 Cons
- I really don't get the need to make it so "mobile game-y" with the heart system and linear level system. It feels very lame, and overall hinders the traditional PvZ experience
- Why is there a need to force you for which plants you must choose? The core of PvZ was making different plant teams and strategies for different levels.
- Level 7 was by far the dumbest level so far, making it too difficult for the player, especially if they were new to the franchise. Not only do you barely have enough to produce the sun required to defend, but there are also not grass patches at the back of the yard, making it WAY harder than it needs to be to defend. FOR THE 7TH LEVEL!? If I was a new player I would have quit after a few attempts, and hell, even if a new player were determined to beat, but they lose too many times, guess what? You have a heart limit! Why!?
Overall, it seems... okay? I'll continue to play it, and possibly change my review if I start to like it more, but I'm very disappointed with the game so far :/.
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Derajat Taruno Jati
Derajat Taruno Jati
devs thought the player of this game must have a brain chewed by zombie, so they direct entire strategy for the player..
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